
Here you can find the manuals, guides and other resources published by the Shokkin Group International network as a result of different international projects over last years. The content on this page is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license, which means that you can share and adapt the materials while giving the appropriate credit to us. Enjoy the reading!

Game-based Learning

A compilation of our best printable resources on game-based learning: educational board games, educational escape rooms and theoretical frameworks on game design applied to youth work and education.

Active citizenship

Whether you are a project manager, NGO director or volunteer, in this section you will have a series of practical resources connected with NGO management, youth involvement and external communication and promotion.

Graphic Facilitation

Discover the world of visual thinking and graphic facilitation with various sets of printable resources focused on the application of this new approach in the youth work and educational fields.


Organizational Development

Whether you are a project manager, NGO director or volunteer, in this section you will have a series of practical resources connected with NGO management, youth involvement and external communication and promotion.


Outdoor Education

Based on our experience implementing educational youth activities in outdoor settings, here you will find practical manuals/short guides that will help you plan and implement safe and enjoyable outdoor activities with young people.



Here you will find a mix of resources connected with various topics and tools valuable in the youth work and educational fields such as coaching and educational system analysis.