
In Shokkin Group International we work for the development of our organizations at the local and international level, which leads to better quality youth work practices all across Europe.

Active projects

Edugame: Expansion

“Edugame Expansion” aims to further develop, translate, share and promote game-based learning solutions as an efficient approach to learning in formal and non-formal education contexts.

With the support of

Project portfolio

Gems of Youth Work

The project aimed to gather youth field stories in a form of podcasts/graphic recordings to share them amongst practitioners of the international and national youth work fields to foster exchange of good practices and promote the value and recognition of international youth work.

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With the support of

IncEd: Inclusive Education

The aim of the project was to analyze and adapt existing educational tools and methods to suit inclusive groups of learners in formal and non-formal learning contexts and therefore promote inclusive education approaches amongst stakeholders from the education and youth work fields.

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With the support of