With the gift season around the corner, you might be thinking what to get your colleagues or organization as a present. In SGI we recently published two card decks that might be interesting for everyone working in non-formal education:

Intercultural Talks:
a set of 17 method cards and 54 question cards to discuss and discover cultural dimensions of a group. Turn any intercultural evening from a food & drinks night into an evening of meaningful conversations. The deck is in English and can be ordered for 20EUR + shipping.

Job Interview:
the second edition of an educational card game for 2-6 players that simulates a job interview with a twist of fun, surprise and a bit of awkwardness! The game is in English, Estonian & Russian languages and available for 15EUR +shipping.

* Games are printed in limited quantity and available for shipping anytime from Estonia.

If you are interested to order a game or few, then send us a message on Facebook or send an email to pavel@shokkin.org.

Happy holidays! #Shokkinint