The beginning of a new project is always a reason for excitement, but when it is about a project on this topic and with these partners, then it simply cannot get better! 😀

“Gems of Youth Work” is a Strategic Partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ programme and implemented by Shokkin Group International (Estonia) in cooperation with Coobra Cooperativa Braccianti (Austria), Ticket2Europe (Spain) and EduEra (Slovakia).

The project aims to gather stories from the youth field by trainers, youth work practitioners, organizations and active young people in order to promote the value and recognition of international youth work.

First Kickoff meeting online

Since the current travel restrictions still make it challenging to move from one country to another, the team involved in the project gathered on 8th of April for a first Kickoff meeting online.

With us we had Pavel on behalf of Shokkin Group International (Estonia), MarCus representing Coobra Cooperativa Braccianti (Austria), Petra as representative of EduEra (Slovakia) and Olalla, joining on behalf of Ticket2Europe (Spain). We all collaborated previously in the frame of other international activities, so we started the meeting with a brief check in looking back at the last time we met physically and setting personal objectives and goals for this joint 29-month adventure.

The meeting was then dedicated to reviewing the main project details, such as objectives, outcomes, assessment and monitoring measures, planned timeline and planned role of each organization involved, as well as agreeing on the internal and communication channels.

There was also time for active brainstorming, were we managed to set the first guidelines and ideas regarding:

  • potential partners/guest speakers;
  • formats for the podcasts and visuals, ideal duration and channels for dissemination;
  • general tone for podcast jingle/soundtrack, as well as style of visual identity and graphic materials;
  • merchandise, production and usage;
  • communication and promotion activities.

Finally, the last block of the meeting was dedicated to revising the global overview of the project budget, partners’ responsibilities, drafting of collaboration agreements and discussion of next steps and task division, which include: working on the general structure for podcasts interviews, researching technical needs and recommendations for podcast production, designing the project visual identity and deciding on the tagline, jingle and general tone and style of the project.

More news and updates coming soon. Stay tuned! 😉

“Gems of Youth Work” is a Strategic Partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ programme through the Estonian National Agency and implemented by Shokkin Group International (Estonia), Coobra Cooperativa Braccianti (Austria), Ticket2Europe (Spain) and EduEra (Slovakia).